Board of Directors

Lev Leytzan is led by a multidisciplinary board of directors that includes representatives from the community, the medical establishment, and the arts, as well as spiritual leaders and program alumni.

Founder/Executive Director
Neal C. Goldberg, Ph.D.

Executive Adivsory

Yonah Burstein

Beth Friedlander, MS.Ed., L.M.S.W.
Neal Goldberg, Ph.D.

Tobi Goldfeder, LCSW
Terri Herenstein
Lynn Mael
Rebecca Mansbach
Alan Steinmetz
Miriam Turk, L.C.S.W.
Toby Weiss

Community Adivsory
Pearl Amir
Sara Barris, Psy.D.
Leora Goldberg
Barry Holzer, M.D.
Miriam Liebermann, C.S.W.
Eric Rothman

Medical Adivsory:
Debbie Dienstag, M.D.
Shalom Feinberg, M.D.
Steve Kellner, M.D.
Carolyn Fein-Levy, M.D.
David Pelcovitz, Ph.D.
Evan Pockriss, M.D.

Endorsed by Rabbonim


Alumni Adivsory:
Adam Gindea

Adina Goldberg
Jordana Lovett
Aron Martin
Asher Mechanic
Dassy Newman
Meir Dovid Weinberg
Mottie Widroff